How can i download whatsapp app my apple watch
How can i download whatsapp app my apple watch

how can i download whatsapp app my apple watch how can i download whatsapp app my apple watch

iMessage is so dominant that Google is going to update the Android messaging app to support ‘reactions’ sent by iMessage users. The only time an iPhone user needs to use WhatsApp is if they want to message friends/family outside the country. On the other hand, in the USA iPhones have majority market share and Apple has a very solid default solution in the form of iMessage (so people don’t have a need to download a third party app, as most of their friends are already on iMessage). Android users have had no choice but to adopt third party apps and WhatsApp became the most popular (see above). If you have lots of one-to-one and group conversations on WhatsApp. But one copy still unknowingly remains inside the chat app. You can easily stop WhatsApp from saving images to your iPhone Photos app. It has released many confusing apps with overlapping purposes and then abandoned them. WhatsApp saves the same pictures and videos in two places - inside the WhatsApp app and the iPhone Photos app. Google has done a spectacularly terrible job of offering a built in messaging solution on Android. Second, Android is more popular in Europe. Even as cell plans have become cheaper, people and their friends are now so used to WhatsApp it would take a huge network effect for them to switch. So people adopted messaging apps and WhatsApp became the biggest. First, because cell service especially SMS is much more expensive in Europe.

How can i download whatsapp app my apple watch